About Maryke Vogel

Maryke Vogel - Colonic Hydrotherapist

Maryke is a Colonic Hydrotherapist, Naturopathist, Nutritionist, Herbal Medicine Specialist, Iridologist, Aromatherapist and Author. Offering Colonic Irrigation from Belsize Health clinic in Belsize Park, North London

Maryke is a member of the following professional bodies:
ARCH (Association of Registered Colonic Hydrotherapists), MGNI, IFA, IAIM, URHP, MHA

View my ARCH credentials here

Maryke is Dutch born with 4 children, 2 dogs and 1 cat.

Used to be very asthmatic as a child. Through her own problems and observing her kid’s various different issues, parents, friends, animals and others, she became interested in natural health from a young age. Learning from each living being.

Maryke was hungry to learn how to treat dysfunction naturally. She was fortunate to meet and study with amazing and inspiring teachers on her path in various parts of the world.

She has intuition, knowledge, compassion, listens and observes, and then treats.

Maryke understands the power of nutrition and how additives and artificial colours, pesticides, heavy metals, hormones etc. affect the wellbeing and mood of the individual.