Feel Fabulous this Autumn with our Coffee Enema Colonic Offer

Colonic Coffee Enema Offer November 2017

I love this time of year with festivities, family and gatherings and it’s also a time for retrospection and trying to mentally and spiritually, strengthen ourselves. With this time of year also comes challenging weather. The immune system usually takes quite a battering early on in the cold spell. We have been warned that a major flu epidemic is likely over the next few months.

Most of my clients know by now, that more than 70% of our Immune system is in the gut. Therefore its even more paramount than ever to make sure we’re not walking around with a lot of fungal matter and mucous in our system. Both of which are a breeding ground for parasites and nasty bacterial overgrowth leading to LEAKY gut and SIBO. Colonic hydrotherapy alongside a healthy diet and probiotics will all help to reduce the toxic overload and give you a fighting chance to stay healthy this winter.

I will be offering my phenomenal coffee Enema colonics, from November 3 until November 23 2017, at a wonderful discount. So some of you who haven’t tried it yet should take advantage.

  • Reduce bloating and gas and toxic build up
  • Reduce brain fog
  • Improve your energy levels
  • Helps your digestion
  • Clear skin and eyes

After the session my client immediately felt a feeling of clarity, relief and well being.

Everything else you do will be more effective if you are clean on the inside.

Come and try what 100s of my followers visit me for on a regular basis.

The special colonic consists of:

  • The first hour – colonic with various herbals and green flush.
  • Followed after by a half hour coffee enema.

Take advantage, Save £25 now and book.

This is an one and a half hours treatment for the special price of £150 instead of £175. 

To book your Phenomenal Coffee Cleanse Colonic call:

+44 (0)7982 831 239
or email: maryke@phenomenalcolonics.com

Offer Valid November 3rd to November 23rd 2017.

As always, I have your health in mind!


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