What is colon cleansing?

Love your bowel

Colon cleansing, Colonic Hydrotherapy, Colonics – all these terms mean the same thing – colon cleansing is a safe, certified and regularly audited complementary health practice which has many health benefits. All Colonic Hydrotherapists should be registered through ARCH. Maryke Vogel is a member of ARCH (Association of Registered Colonic Hydrotherapists) – View my ARCH credentials here

It all starts with a consultation

Whilst we discuss your individual problems or discomforts.

The colonic process

Filtered water enters the bowel through a special device known as the speculum, via a long narrow plastic tube. A larger and wider plastic see- through tube is attached to another part of the speculum through which the waste and gas make their exit towards the normal waste drain.

It sounds complicated but is real simple. These tubes and speculums are for individual use and disposed of in special containers after each use.

You will be in a freshly washed and ironed gown and totally covered and at ease.

Your stomach will be massaged strategically throughout the session through the gown to help ease cramps and facilitate movement.

What we use

  • We use filtered and purified water.
  • We use disposable equipment
  • We use ointment made from beeswax olive oil and herbs.

The different stages of the bowel cleansing and gas elimination

  • The first 10 – 15 minutes could be taken up just removing gas.
  • The water moves slowly in and out of the colon going a little further as gas is moved out via the transparent waste pipe.
  • From viewing what comes through the tube we can see the state of your digestion and absorption
  • You can view the whole procedure through a strategically positioned mirror if you want, this is optional.
  • After the initial cleansing the waste stuck deeper down the large intestines comes loose and some mild cramping might be experienced.
  • These mild discomforts are easily defused by slowly adding the specially selected herbs mixed in the enema-bucket alongside the main tank.

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