Colonics, I’ve heard so much about it! Shall I dare to try it?
Colonics or colon hydrotherapy is a treatment which is devised to clean the large intestines. Everyone should Try it. You will be surprised just how accommodating your bowel is. It not only helps with constipation or diarrhoea, It also puts less stress on the overworked liver. A body filled with putrefying and toxic waste is a tired and prematurely aging body.
Any other reasons why I should consider it?
Even if you eliminate daily, this not an indication that you are clean. The colon wall could have a build up of mucous plaque (hardened blackened mucous) from years of faulty eating habits and possible medications. This will have hindered the absorption of nutrients. Toxins are pushed around the bloodstream affecting tissues and organs.
Most of us carry a couple of kilograms of waste without realising it.
What could cause this congestion?
Too little fluid intake, little fibre,lack of exercise,parasites, candida, nervous tension, lack of dietary knowledge, muscle and inherent weakness.
Which foods contribute to the problems?
Cheese is a big factor and very popular. Together with other dairy products. Fried foods, sweets and cakes,salt and crisps, tinned milk, fizzy drinks. Too much coffee,too much meat, too much alcohol.
The mucous lining of the bowel wall is there to protect you from the onslaught of junk food. As well as other toxins inhaled by anyone living in a big city. After a while your mucous lining can turn into a rubbery hard and thick wall. We call this ‘mucoid plaque’. This prevents the absorption of nutrients from entering your bloodstream.
But I take all these vitamins, I have massage and acupuncture, why am I still unhealthy?
No matter how many good vitamins you take or all the organic food you eat. Nothing absorbs well until you clear out the toxins. It is lovely to have a massage but all that it does for you is temporarily relax you and create a feeling of Wellbeing.
Everything you do will be more efficacious after removal of your toxins. If you are suffering from long term congestion, it is the colon that needs attention first.
During an iridology session for example,the health of the bowel is the first thing we look at. Bowel problems are responsible for at least 70% of ill health.
Is it popular?
It is very popular now due to the benefits felt and experienced by many. The word goes around.
Do more women that men have this treatment?
Usually women appear to be a bit more in tune with their bodies and interested in their health and how what they eat can affect how they feel, so that is probably why we see generally more women.
Although once a man has been encouraged, they really get into it, as they feel so good afterwards and begin to realise the benefits.
Why do people have them?
They mostly have them because they feel something is not working correctly. They are bloated and feel they are not eliminating properly.
It affects their energy and also makes their clothes fit too tightly around the middle. It also improves certain skin conditions. Generally you will feel a difference in your overall health.
What kind of system do you use?
I use the open gravity system which is manually controlled.
Is the water filtered?
Yes it is always filtered and all harmful elements are removed, I use disposable equipment too, so it is completely safe.
What do I need to do before my session?
Try and avoid alcohol for a few days prior, and also fizzy drinks
Is it going to be painful?
There may be some cramping as there could be a lot of gas. I personally mix organic specific herbs for each individual which ensures that the treatment is more effective and comfortable. You will receive abdominal massage throughout the session which helps facilitate the removal of gas and faeces. The treatment generally takes about 45 minutes.
I’m still a bit apprehensive; it is so much easier to book in for a massage.
Of course, I love massage too and don’t stop having them. Just consider moving the waste material as well and you will benefit more.
Isn’t it addictive as it makes you feel so good?
Not really, it depends on your personality, but it should not be. As you colon learns to relax and refresh, natural peristalsis is restored and improved. Your bowel will be re-educated to behave as nature originally intended.
You must of course try to improve your diet, that way you can prevent a toxic overload. Maintain balance by having treatments according to your type of constitution.
What about the small intestines?
Well, the water is not going to enter that part of the bowels. Clearing out the large intestine will facilitate some unwanted sludge in the small intestines to move down towards the large intestine which is why a second session is so important.. We also need to use specific nutrients and herbs in some cases.
What can I eat afterwards?
I usually recommend that you eat something like a fruit salad in summer and hot soup in winter straight afterwards.
I hear that l will need to take supplements like probiotics, some people say that colonics remove my beneficial bacteria. What exactly do they do and do I really need them?
Probiotics help to replenish the good beneficial bacteria that are supposed to live in our bowels. Most people are under the illusion that they have these beneficial flora protecting them. Unfortunately due to lifestyle, medications, excess alcohol and poor diet they are often lacking or are generally in short supply.
After a colonic it is a great time to replenish, so this is why I usually recommend you get some. I personally stay on them all year round but we can discuss this. The water used in the Colonics does not kill your beneficial bacteria.
Depending on your individual condition I will recommend supplements that will benefit you. None of which is obligatory.
What upsets the balance?
Many factors such as sugar, alcohol, antibiotics, even those in meats and dairy. You might be aware that the intensive use of antibiotics, hormones and the effects of pesticides on our farming methods mean that if you consume a lot of meat, you will upset the bowel flora as well as your hormonal system.
How will I feel afterwards?
Most people feel light and great. Sometimes if there is candida or a lot of backlog and toxicity you can’t expect to feel suddenly brand new. However, you will feel improvement and see change.
Bearing in mind that your small intestines are possibly also a bit clogged and not working their best.
It is therefore good to consider having up to 3 sessions close together. Making the necessary dietary changes will further enhance improvements.
Will my bloating go down?
Yes, especially if we can pinpoint the culprits that are causing the bloating.
Will I need to have many sessions?
See above , about 3 close together and self help at home. After which you can follow up as required.