Your brain, heart and cholesterol

Brain scanning technology is quickly approachi...
Statins can very quickly deplete your brain of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) which can lead to many problems.

So many people are being prescribed statins now, at earlier ages then ever before…

If you can avoid starting to take anticholinergic and statin drugs. It would be great for maintaining your mental health. And your nervous system.

Drugs that block Acetylcholine, ‘a nervous system neurotransmitter’, have been shown to increase your risk of dementia. These drugs include some pain relievers, antihistamines, sleep aids, various antidepressants, plus medications to control incontinence, and certain narcotic pain relievers.

Note on dementia; did you know that a lot of elderly patients in care homes, become incontinent with one or 2 weeks of arrival. Not only due to the meds given to sedate them, but often times due to not being able to go to the bathroom unaided. The incontinence meds don’t work, as they will also get plenty of antibiotics, Even if they are not demented on arrival they soon will be thanks to this. (More on this in a later blog.)

Statin drugs are particularly problematic because they suppress the synthesis of cholesterol. Deplete your brain of coenzyme Q10 and other neurotransmitter precursors. Prevent adequate delivery of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble antioxidants to your brain by inhibiting the production of the indispensable carrier biomolecule, known as ‘low density lipoprotein’. LDL, in the right proportion is not a bad cholesterol. There can be a difference in the particle size. It all about the balance, yin and yang.

A diet high in GI junk food, (factory produced grains and breads, saturated fats and all refined carbs) increases the risk of heart disease. And cholesterol Omega 3 as fish oil reduce bad LDL levels. And so do Low GI foods, these are natural organic grains, vegetables and fruits. Even if your LDL levels have reduced on statins you can still be a candidate for heart problems. Fish oils,consumed in high levels in Japan reduce coronary heart disease by 15 to 30%. Many people are lacking in Magnesium today and this mineral is particularly needed here. But also help with all sorts of conditions related from bladder problems to stress and digestion.

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of looking into nutrition while you still can change. I see more and more of my clients starting on statins at earlier ages than ever before.

Think before you agree to start taking them, as I have seen the side effects. A small company set up by nutritional scientists are working on specific brain and heart nutrients and run interesting workshops and webinars. Full of indispensable advice. They only produce a few specific products which can change conditions and prevent them from elevating. Worth checking out here:

Introduction to CoQ10 and its uses

Ubiquinol CoQ10

It’s called Ubiquinol with CoQ10- buy it here

Keep yourself informed and stay healthy.

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