An enema is quite different from a colonic. Many people new to this are not aware that there is a difference. Colonic hydrotherapy will cleanse the entire length of the colon whereas enemas will cleanse only the lower part of the colon, the sigmoid and part of the descending colon.
A colonic is a treatment administered by a trained and skilled practitioner and involve multiple infusions. You need to make sure you are comfortable with this person as it helps to be relaxed and at ease. You will receive abdominal massage during this treatment and additional herbs will be added to the treatment which will further enhance the cleansing process.
The amount of filtered water generally used during a colonic treatment is around 50 to 60 litres; the treatment can take up between 45 minutes to an hour.
The water travels around the entire bowel slowly in and out, and can reach to the ceacum.
Peristalsis which may have been dormant due to diet and life style, is woken up which improves the bowel-muscle tone in pushing faeces through naturally.
This level of cleansing cannot be achieved with an enema at home as the water only reaches just above the sigmoid flexure in the descending colon. With an enema only 1 infusion is used (versus the multiple infusions in a colonic). Usually about 1 or 2 pints of fluid are used.
Therefore the home enemas I recommend are perfect for home use, as the effect of coffee and garlic used is purely for specific cleansing.
Enemas can become addictive and should not be used too frequently unless part of a specific treatment with a long term condition.
There are people who use enemas daily to help get a bowel movement without paying attention to their dietary deficiency. This is not recommended as it may eventually cause the lower bowel to become somewhat flaccid.
Used appropriately these treatments help to increase overall health of the bowel, muscle-tone, and peristalsis and normalising regular movement.
Enemas Benefits;
1st. depending on which substance is added to the water.
2nd, on what we are trying to achieve. Long term or short.
Enemas are helpful with stuck gas and faeces. As part of a fasting or detox regime. Often administered more frequently when dealing with a variety of auto-immune illnesses.
Max Gerson and many naturopaths before him have used enemas over the centuries to deal with cancer and many other ailments.
I often administer an enema after the full colonic treatment is finished as that way the substances used (such as garlic or coffee infusions) can reach the lower bowel areas better. Plus with less gas due to the colonic it is possible to retain the enema for longer – enhancing the therapeutic power of the enema. After that the colon is washed out again and the results are phenomenal.
The enemas I administer in my clinic are garlic and coffee. I encourage self help treatments at home particularly in cases of Candida and for those suffering from continual excess gas. We all know the discomfort associated with that. That horrible bloated and cramped feeling after an Indian meal for example. Other than drinking a glass of superfine green clay, I recommend going to the trouble of a self administered garlic enema, this will bring instant relief and ensures a decent night sleep rather that a night of cramping and burping.
People, who have had chemo, are helped enormously by a daily coffee enema. It takes lot of time to get these heavy toxins out of the body and will be of great relief to the liver. It also is great if you can do a few of these after general anaesthetics or if you are on any heavy medication
When preparing the coffee enema – take good time, always use fresh coffee and never use a cheap instant coffee. I always use a raw unroasted organic coffee, and the preparation is;
3 heaped tablespoons in just under a litre of filtered water.
Bring to the boil and simmer for 40 minutes. This leaves you with a soothing substance, more like a mucilaginous greenish herbal.
Filter and strain, cool to body temperature and off you go with your enema kit.
It is very pleasant and effective.
None of the caffeine is absorbed by the body but the chemical constituents are simply finding their way through the tiny
haemorrhoidal capillaries in the anal area, through the portal vein to the liver and gallbladder to detoxify that overworked organ and increase bile flow. This is of immense relief to both liver/ gallbladder and small intestines.
When travelling long haul, I always take a kit with me. Some of my patients have followed suit and even invested in a travel-kettle as some hotels may not have these facilities in their rooms. Use bottled water though, to be on the safe side. By travelling prepared one can always create an enema simply and quickly. If nothing else is at hand just use a couple of herbal tea bags to make your extract, such as chamomile, fennel, peppermint. (Take also a plastic jug for preparation) Personally I have my little bottle of garlic juice on me and this always helps instantly. Especially when travelling in third world countries.
For those still squeamish about the idea of colonics or enemas, have a session done professionally, if you are in London I’d be delighted to help you feel fabulous – visit Phenomenal Colonics in Belsize Health, Hampstead. I can guarantee you will wonder why you ever hesitated.