Some people already know about the brain/bowel connection
I want to tell you what I have discovered about what goes on in the the mind and emotions of the large intestines on the journeys experienced with 1000s of people on my table in the last 15+ years.
The neurons present in the GI tract and bowels are super sensitive to our emotions. Over 100 billion nerve cells to be precise. Interestingly 90% of the hormone serotonin is produced in the lining of our digestive tract. This gives us some Indications about how our emotional state can affect our gut. More research regarding the gut/brain axis of disease is ongoing.
I will start by telling you what really happens on the colonic table.
During the colonic the person may be a little apprehensive the first time. But after a short discussion about the treatment and their history, they are soon at ease. We will start to introduce the warm filtered water. We can soon judge whether the person has a lot of gas or is literally at bursting point. These indications will guide me to the correct herbs that I will use for the first part of the colonic. If there is a lot of gas there may be a few cramps and gas pockets that would require soothing herbs initially.
As we travel around the bowel there are several points that are more likely to harbor stuck gas. As indicated on the enclosed picture, where there are noticeable corners and bends in the large intestine, we need to be more careful and release the pressure faster, because we need to get that gas out.
The more excess gas the person holds the more stuff will be stuck in the ascending colon.
Using the right herbs enables me to get into those stubborn areas. The first BLUE point, is the splenic flexure. There is usually quite a bit of trapped gas there. This area is associated with WORRY, and worry we know, is pointless as we don’t know what tomorrow may or may not bring. But no point saying that as we all worry and have stress.Here we add another herb to the bucket to help get through there.
After this we travel through the transverse section, which is usually fairly easy until we get to the second GREEN point, which is the hepatic flexure and is the hardest to get in on our journey. Without the use of correct herbs it is not always possible to enter that section on the first session. Which is why I have such a huge choice on the table next to me. This corner close to the liver, is connected to the emotions of anger and frustration. So the person will be tight there, as we are in times of stress. We merrily travel on using the more appropriate herbs for this area, devising a special massage there, and soon we enter the ascending colon.
Here we find the person whole life history of emotions good and bad.When one is able to get there it is actually the most wonderful experience for the recipient as well as therapist.
Afterwards some people are able to deal with negative issues that have held them back. Some people may cry with relief. All sorts of reactions are possible but definitely positive… Some people jump up and down with sheer joy at the feeling of lightness and relief of burden.
Maryke has many years of experience, mother of 4 children and grandmother to 11 little ones. She is naturopathically trained , she is a herbalist and iridologist, nutritionist and an intuitive phenomenal worker. And she makes the experience light and joyful for herself and her recipients.
This excerpt from my new book on gas is subject to copyright.