
Sad colon

The amazing clarity of our brain / bowel connection during your colonic treatment with Maryke Vogel

Some people already know about the brain/bowel connection I want to tell you what I have discovered about what goes on in the the mind and emotions of the large intestines on the journeys experienced with 1000s of people on my table in the last 15+ years. The neurons present in the GI tract and […]

The amazing clarity of our brain / bowel connection during your colonic treatment with Maryke Vogel Read More »

Allergies and their many invisible causes

Just like a sudden heart attack, an asthma attack can be brought on by eating the wrong meal or snack or drink, at the wrong time. Unfortunately the sudden heart attack does not always end well. The way we eat or drink, the amount, at what time and the types of food we choose to

Allergies and their many invisible causes Read More »