We are approaching the time of year when many people start thinking about the liver cleanse. Many follow the Epsom salt and gallbladder flush made famous by Andreas Moritz. Andreas became well known for his books on cancer and particularly for his encouragement to do the liver flushes, several times a year. He was an interesting character, but died in October last year mysteriously aged only 58, nobody yet knows how he passed. May he rest in peace.
I have had many clients come in for a colonic after one of those flushes, they usually felt very unwell .
Even though the occasional flush may be ok, I find that when people start these self help regimes at home unsupervised that they tend to overdo it.
Personally don’t encourage the flush with salt as I found it pretty awful when I did it a few times as part of my Naturopathic studies. And I am not convinced that it actually removes stones. There are definitely some little putty like substances coming through with a colonic administered afterward but that is more likely a mixture of bile, oil and salt residues.
I prefer the one whereby a litre of apple juice is drank daily for a week. (The malic acids may help dissolve gallstones) prior to using the olive oil and grapefruit as the final flush. That appears to be able to loosen the sludge built up in the duodenum as well. And increase bile flow, Full recipe will be in my new book coming soon.
Other than that I am a great advocate of using the coffee enema. Which help tremendously with liver and gallbladder congestion. See previous blog.
The gallbladder is involved with the emotion of making decisions and also frustration. So if you are currently not sure if you want to change job, sell your house or go out with that new man or woman in your life.
Think gall bladder, the season is spring, the colour is green, and the element is wood.
Look after your gallbladder and reduce saturated fats.