Sjögren’s syndrome

I know that I am not the only one who suffers regularly from this debilitating itchy eye syndrome.

It is only recently now, that I can finally pay more attention to my personal dysfunctions, that I realise I suffer from the above, and have been for some time.

I have tried many things to help this brain freezing condition. Been to the best specialists and doctors, tried every eyedrop available, natural and alopathic. Many alternatives including acupuncture, (which was actually most helpful). However when it returns from time to time, it hits me with a vengeance which is terribly debilitating, tiring and distracting.

Of course it is related to asthma conditions as well as arthritis..

I am the last person on this earth to want to put a name on any disease or syndrome.

A syndrome is:

1. A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a
disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition.

2. a. A complex of symptoms indicating the existence of an undesirable
condition or quality.
b. A distinctive or characteristic pattern of behavior: the syndrome
of conspicuous consumption in wealthy suburbs.

Yes, syndromes have many meanings and implications.

Once you know your syndrome you can begin to tackle it in a more determined manner.

That means in my case as natural as possible.

After rubbing the itchy eyes, (which is unavoidable) there often will come an infection as well as very dry irritated skin around the eyes. You will look like you have been crying for days and feel very depressed and in pain.

Best is to use a liquid tears formulae from your optician asap. Apply the drops a few times daily. Stay warm and keep out of the cold wind as the wind will trigger huge amount of hot fluids to pour out of your eyes. This will cause even more itching.

Wear sunglasses if you have to even in the freezing wind and rain.

Apply raw coconut butter around the eyelids before bed. Use hot towel compresses on the eyes for about 5 minutes afterwards so you don’t sleep with too much oil on the face.

Usually these attacks are triggered by some emotionally upsetting news as well as changing weather conditions.
Also an allergic response due to the presence of a certain pet could
trigger the onset.

Stress plays an important part. Find things that make you laugh and be
more relaxed.

Sun and change of air could turn it around fast.

Make sure you get enough sleep.

Take omega 3s, like Krill. Take vitamin D3

Find more ways to improve your immune system.

Add hempseed oil to your soups or salads. At least 1 tablespoon daily. Also take coconut oil. Probiotics are a must.

Look after the liver and the bowels.

There are some good homoeopathics that bring rapid relief.

Dietary factors are undoubtedly involved.

Any fungal type of food must be avoided.

There is not really a cure for this as the problem strikes at any time of year, but you can shorten its course by applying some of these ideas.

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