
Importance of minerals at all stages of life.

“From dust we are born and to dust we will return.” Bible For our bodies and minds to function properly, good mineral balance is very important. Depleted soils, intensive over farming, pesticides and chemicals have left very little minerals in our earth. Those of you still thinking that our food will provide all the vitamins

Importance of minerals at all stages of life. Read More »

Why is the digestive system the most important system in the human body?

The cow has a very unusual digestive system. They chew their feed up to 60.000 times per day. They chew and chew and rechew. That is why they are so healthy and strong. Their stomachs have 4 compartments. The food passes through about 3 feet of esophagus and enters into a large vat that can

Why is the digestive system the most important system in the human body? Read More »